Post and Boost Certification


You’re accessing this page because you are in the process of becoming a certified photographer for Post and Boost.

Please become familiar enough with this content so that you will know what we are asking you to do, and that you can successfully become certified by completing the Google Form Assessment.

Tip: Because these videos are embedded from YouTube, you can edit the Playback Speed via the Settings.

Video 4: Funeral Home Photography Process

This video introduces you to our Funeral Home Photography Process, and it also introduces Bill (the owner of Post and Boost).  It’s a great overview of what we need, plus will show you the images from a full shoot.

When you see the Intro and the Route System video below, YOU’LL GET IT – and understand why we say this isn’t your typical corporate or headshot photoshoot.

Approximate Length: 20 minutes

Video 5: Job Order and Do/Don'ts

To officially start the job, we produce a Job Order. 

This video will describe what’s in in the Job Order including a who/what/when/where header with contact information for you and the client, a link to the Google Drive folder, an overview of the job, the number of scenes we’re asking for, and a spreadsheet containing the list of cast members.

This video also includes “Do/Don’ts,” an instructional tour of what we have seen over the years that we like, and what we have seen that could have been better.

Approximate Length: 17 minutes

Video 6: Organizing Files and Uploading Folders to Google Drive

In this video, Bill offers an example of how he would walk through processing images from a Post and Boost photoshoot, including how he organizes the images by individual into named folders using MS File Manager and how he uploads them into Google Drive.

Keep in mind, you can also create the subfolders directly in the shared Google Drive folder and then upload your images within each folder. This is a matter of process preference. Whatever works most efficiently for you is absolutely fine with us.

You may be familiar with this process, but please watch this video. 

You don’t want to miss the tips Bill shares.

Approximate Length: 7 minutes