Busting the Myths of Local Advertising for Funeral Homes
How to Invest Your Dollars Wisely for Increased Sales
Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich” is quoted as saying, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” But the truth is, many funeral homes can’t conceive advertising because they don’t believe it works for “their business.” That is a myth!
Advertising can work. It’s worked for Coca-Cola and GEICO. It can work for funeral homes too. This workshop will tell them how.
The first roadblock funeral homes face is “what to say.” It’s easy for furniture stores and restaurants to advertise, but writing ads based on “Death and the Funeral Process” is not easy.
If funeral homes intend to remain profitable and expand in this world of growing cremation percentages and shrinking margins, they need an advertising strategy faster than word-of-mouth.
This workshop reveals how advertising works best for funeral homes, what you can say, and tips on Radio, TV/Cable, Internet, Outdoor, and Facebook.
Registration is closed for the October Post and Boost webinar presented by Bill A Johnston.
Continuing Education credits approved by the following states: North Carolina; and also all states that accept certified CE providers of the American Academy of Funeral Service Practice.
Additional state approvals coming soon.
Learning Objectives
1. Local advertising can work for funeral homes
2. Word-of-mouth may be the best advertising, but it’s too slow if you intend to expand sales
3. Knowing there are Four Pillars in Effective Local Advertising
4. Understanding the role of TV/Cable, Radio, Outdoor, Newspaper, Google, and Facebook/Instagram