Facebook DOES Work For Funeral Homes

Updated in 2023 with all the latest learnings. Get your copy now.

An Advertising Book for the Funeral Industry by Bill A Johnston

What if there was a medium that was absolutely perfect for a Funeral Home like yours?

A place you could advertise that was reasonably priced and over time you saw real advertising results?

Well, there is.

It’s called Facebook.

As a Facebook Expert for Funeral Homes, Bill A Johnston helps readers discover:

  • What is Facebook?
  • Why Facebook works for Funeral Homes
  • Roadblocks to using Facebook
  • Is Facebook free? Why you should pay for ads on Facebook
  • More than 70 pictures and examples of how other Funeral Homes successfully use Facebook to get advertising results.

What Is Facebook?

Back when the newspaper reached just about everyone, it was the indisputable leader in local media. Your funeral home may not have been happy with the cost of advertising or the costs to families who wanted their loved ones’ obituaries printed in the paper, but you had to admit that the newspaper was incredibly powerful, effective, and convenient.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have that power, effectiveness, and convenience available to you again but at much less cost? You do! It’s called Facebook.

By discovering Facebook’s role in the media mix and understanding how thousands of people living around your funeral home habitually read it multiple times a day, you will want to embrace the metaphor that Facebook is now your local newspaper.

Have you considered how Facebook has evolved over the years? Do you know how many people your Facebook Page reaches? It may surprise you to discover, it's not many. Not many at all.

Facebook is what the newspaper used to be. And was the newspaper ever free?

You can reach thousands of people in your community, but you need a consistent plan - and that's how I can help!
Bill A Johnston
Owner, Author and Speaker

Wouldn't You Love To Have a Facebook Page That Connects You To Your Community and Gets Results?

Starting with Post and Boost is easy! Whether you have a Facebook Page that’s old and seldom-used or a need to start from scratch, we have the experience to get the process up and running, without too much time or worry from you!

You’ll have an advertising platform that can be an asset to your funeral home for years to come.

Schedule a meeting with Bill and ask for a FREE copy of his book!

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We Take Pictures At Your Funeral Home

We’ll Be Live On Your Facebook Page In 30-Days

Meet Bill A Johnston

Our President, Bill A Johnston, managed radio stations for 25-years, and was a pioneer in interactive media. He’s also produced national television ads for leading cable television providers, plus developed the proprietary Post and Boost software platform.

Bill began working in the Funeral Industry in 2016 with a core of accounts in North Carolina. It was there that Post and Boost discovered how Facebook works for Funeral Homes.

In October, 2019, the book and the service was launched at NFDA in Chicago. Post and Boost specializes in Facebook advertising, funeral home advertising, writing for funeral homes, plus television and radio ad production for funeral homes.

Bill speaks at funeral industry conferences and conventions, offers a few different workshop presentations that are available for CE credits and is dedicated to changing the way Funeral Homes advertise.

Bill is available to speak at your next event.

Connect with him on Facebook and LinkedIn.

CLICK HERE to schedule a meeting with Bill.