What Post and Boost Customers Say
[Our] one-size-fits-all approach didn't work. You were present. You found our voice. Our social media presence has grown tremendously. We get so much more interaction with each post. As we built that up, it's being recognized in the community. I think it's something the community looks for now.”

Dan Briggs
President, Davidson Funeral Home
Facebook ads [have] actually done a lot for us - we were the first in our area to do it ... It's really taken off for us. It's been a great thing for everyone to get to know our staff in the community and to just get our face out there...it's really helped us a lot!"

Chipper Smith
Vice President, Smith Funeral Home of Florence
The funeral industry is so unique that there was no one that was really tailoring ads or posts that would help us. People [digital service providers] were afraid to advertise the funeral home - what we were doing. We needed an expert, someone who had a niche in that area -- that would be YOU, Bill!

Joe Trippodo III
Manager, Forbis & Dick Funeral Service