Bill is available to speak at your next event. Connect with Bill on Facebook and LinkedIn.
CLICK HERE to schedule a meeting with Bill.
The Post and Boost Reach Tool is below and offers two different methods to help you calculate advertising Reach.
There’s a section you can use if you DON’T already now how many people your advertising reaches; and below that, there’s a section you can use if you DO already know how many people your advertising reaches.
Do you know how many people your advertising efforts reach? Have you considered how many people your funeral home needs to reach each month to maintain business or grow your business market share?
Facebook offers a great deal of transparency when it comes to how many people a Business Page reaches. In a perfect world, every one of your Followers would see every piece of content you posted. Unfortunately, that’s not how things work. You can’t assume that everyone who Follows or Likes your Facebook Page is going to see every single post you publish.
It’s a good thing then, that the platform also offers customers clarity on how many people are seeing their paid advertising and at what frequency ads are served to their audience.
Funeral Home Operators should understand the impact of their Reach and Frequency on Facebook. At Post and Boost we help our clients understand how their advertising investments connect with their community impact.
Use the Post and Boost Reach Tool below to discover the success of your advertising efforts.
Know how many people your advertising needs to reach to cover your funeral home’s current call volume or to grow your call volume.
And if you’re not reaching enough people, the Post and Boost Reach Tool will help you understand how many more people you need to reach within your target market.
Starting with Post and Boost is easy! Whether you have a Facebook Page that’s old and seldom-used or a need to start from scratch, we have the experience to get the process up and running, without too much time or worry from you!
You’ll have an advertising platform that can be an asset to your funeral home for years to come.
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Our President, Bill A Johnston, managed radio stations for 25-years, and was a pioneer in interactive media. He’s also produced national television ads for leading cable television providers, plus developed the proprietary Post and Boost software platform.
Bill began working in the Funeral Industry in 2016 with a core of accounts in North Carolina. It was there that Post and Boost discovered how Facebook works for Funeral Homes.
In October, 2019, the book and the service was launched at NFDA in Chicago. Post and Boost specializes in Facebook advertising, funeral home advertising, writing for funeral homes, plus television and radio ad production for funeral homes.
Bill speaks at funeral industry conferences and conventions, offers a few different workshop presentations that are available for CE credits and is dedicated to changing the way Funeral Homes advertise.
Bill is available to speak at your next event.
Connect with him on Facebook and LinkedIn.
CLICK HERE to schedule a meeting with Bill.
© 2021-2025 All rights reserved, Post and Boost, Inc.